Greetings Westbank Folks.
It has been a while since we have sent out a newsletter and much has happened. The church sold. We had a final service the end of August and have been worshipping in person at Hanson Arbor since September. I also work with Central Okanagan United
Church former (St. Paul’s, Rutland and First United Churches) and have to be at their services occasionally. We have fill in worship leadership when I am not able to be present.
This coming Sunday, November 7 we will be celebrating All
Saints and remembering those who have passed away since
September. We had a remembrance service for the many who
died at the farewell to Westbank Church in late August.
November 7 we will also have Remembrance Day and Communion. It will be a busy Sunday, as we remember those who have passed away, remember those who served in the two wars and other wars. We will remember and we will light a candle for peace. Communion will remind us that we are all God’s beloved and the bread and wine will remind us that we are part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses that guide us in these times.
Our prayer flags were hung and it was a wonderful time as we gathered around the tree.
Westbank is still working hard at determining our future. We are doing a survey currently trying to find out what all of the members would like to see in the future. We can’t do what we have always done but we can do many activities in the future. Our Vision and Mission statement have been approved by the Board and we are beginning to figure out how we follow up on the Vison and Mission. This is what the Board passed.
Vision: Inspired by the Gospel, Westbank United Church seeks to work for God’s vision by serving others, acting for peace and justice, loving kindness, as we seek to know and be people of God.
Mission: Westbank United Church will journey in the presence of God in faith that we may grow, change, make a difference, by reaching out and creating community partnerships in order to realize God’s vision.
In the near future (November sometime) we are going to partner with the Anglican Church for an Advent time of meditation with photos. I will bring the photos; The Anglican priest and I will facilitate conversation. Please join us. We will have a date very soon.
Another opportunity for gathering will be in the near future. We are able to secure the Anglican church for a coffee and conversation time, maybe early December.
Advent begins November 28 and I will be with through all of Advent and Christmas Eve. The Christmas Eve service will be at 7pm at Hanson Arbor
As we begin the new year with ADVENT let us enter this time with hope, with peace, with joy and with love. Times are difficult. COVID has interrupted our lives in so many ways, particularly not being able to connect with friends at the church. I hope many of you will choose to join the photo Meditation time and the congregational coffee and conversation time. We will let you know all the dates very soon.
Please let me know if there is anyone you want me to be in touch with and I will follow up. I am enjoying my time with you and look forward to meeting you in person one day.
May God bless you. May you remember you are God’s beloved.
May you know we are not alone; God is with us.
Linda M. Ervin, Diaconal Minister, Email:
Contact Information: Home: 250-493-5333; Cell: 250-462-3998
Sunday Worship Service, Feb 13
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